Monday: Keynote - Celebrating Success and Promoting Student Independence

Monday - Keynote (9:00 AM - 10:30 AM)

Great Hall - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Aaron Stabel - BCBA - Behavior Advantage
At the core of our efforts to teach academics, and social, emotional, and behavioral skills, is the goal of helping students learn to be independent and socially responsible human beings. We want to begin with the end in mind. As educators, we try to provide the assistance our students need to help them reach their full potential now, next year, and as adults. This will require us to plan and focus our efforts on promoting their independence, self-reliance . . . and celebrating success along the way. Let’s review a few highly effective strategies that can be used to promote independence, fade adult-directed intervention, and build a runway toward successful transition. - Explore the interactions between additional adult support and the risks of student dependency. - Learn four evidence-based practices to promote student independence and self-reliance. Level: INTERMEDIATE Audience: All Staff

Monday 1a: Changing Behaviors with a Simple Team-Based Plan

Monday - Breakout 1 (10:45 AM - 12:00 PM)

Great Hall - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Aaron Stabel - BCBA - Behavior Advantage
When we commit to changing student behavior, we need a plan. We know that plans help us come together, identify goals and strategies, establish motivation, and most importantly improve consistency so behaviors have a chance to change. The good news is that these interventions don’t need to be complicated and they don’t have to be implemented forever to be effective. This workshop walks participants through a scalable model to help build behavior support capacity across all educators involved in the MTSS process. - Learn to facilitate a simple team-based behavior planning model that emphasizes proactive prevention and teaching new skills. - Apply this team-based behavior planning model to an actual student scenario. - Utilize goal scaling to map out implementation, shaping, and practical progress monitoring solutions. Level: INTERMEDIATE Audience: All Staff

Monday 1b: ND A+ Balanced System of Assessments

Monday - Breakout 1 (10:45 AM - 12:00 PM)

Dakota Hall - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Alisha Natvig - Pearson
  • Dr. Laine Bradshaw - Pearson
  • Kara Welk - NDDPI
  • Katie Wilczak - Pearson
  • Maurya Buchanan - Pearson
  • Stan Schauer - NDDPI
In North Dakota, we are building a more comprehensive assessment system to better understand and tell the story of what a student knows and can do. This includes multiple data points aligned to North Dakota Content Standards. To this end, we are offering formative, interim, and summative assessments. As one of the multiple data points, formative assessment is closer to the point of instruction for immediate feedback. Interims add to the student story by monitoring student growth and ultimately a summative assessment measures student proficiency. 1. Participants will be able to describe the three components of the ND A+ balanced assessment system. 2. Participants will understand the use and purpose of each form of assessment. Level: BEGINNER Audience: Administrators, Teachers

Monday 1c: Intro to NDMTSS: What Does Implementation Look Like

Monday - Breakout 1 (10:45 AM - 12:00 PM)

Embassy A & B - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Shannon Harken - Harken Consulting LLC
This session is targeted those individuals new to NDMTSS or those seeking clarity of what NDMTSS actually looks like during implementation. (K-12) Participants will: 1) be introduced to NDMTSS definition. 2) Gain clarity of what NDMTSS is and is not. 3) Validate and/or deepen their understanding of what MTSS Implementation looks like. Level: BEGINNER Audience: Administrators, Teachers, Instructional Coaches

Monday 1d: Use Science to Drive Learning Gains and Avoid “Change Fatigue”

Monday - Breakout 1 (10:45 AM - 12:00 PM)

Executive & Board - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Dr. Amanda VanDerHeyden - SpringMath
The last three decades have seen the emergence of several frameworks designed to improve learning outcomes for U.S. students. Viewing these frameworks as novel and disconnected can lead to change fatigue. The thread connecting initiatives like MTSS, the Science of Reading, the Science of Math is instructional science. This session will teach leaders and teachers how to use instructional science to drive viable, productive, scalable, and sustainable system improvements. 1. Understand how learning happens 2. Understand how implementation of MTSS is organizational behavior change & can therefore be launched, improved, and sustained using the same science that we use to effect child behavior change. Such an approach is the backbone of implementation science. Level: INTERMEDIATE Audience: Administrators, Instuctional Coaches, Teachers, School Psychologists

Monday 1e: Writing for All - Elementary Focus

Monday - Breakout 1 (10:45 AM - 12:00 PM)

Executive & Board - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Erica Carney - SEEC - Instructional Literacy Coach
Participants will engage in writing activities to support their classrooms across the content areas, while examining the research about instructing writing. -Describe why writing across all content areas is important to student learning -Reflect on how foundational writing skills are taught -Generate ideas for using low stakes writing in an upcoming lesson Level: BEGINNER Audience: Elementary Teachers

Monday 1f: NDSBL School Leadership Series: Session 1 - Let’s Get Started

Monday - Breakout 1 (10:45 AM - 12:00 PM)

Director's - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Melissa Stanley - North Dakota Standards Based Learning
The NDSBL Leadership Series provides educators with possibilities for standards based teaching & learning practices. Session 1 allows participants to explore getting started based on your school needs! - Revisit SBTL guaranteed & viable curriculum - Examine pacing and mapping to deliver standards instruction - Review intentional planning for quality first instruction - Explore differentiation and engagement for learning Level: BEGINNER Audience: Administrators, Building Leaders, School Teams, Teachers

Monday 2a: Behavior Momentum and Goal-Scaling Methods to Map Implementation and Change Student Habits

Monday - Breakout 2 (1:00 PM - 2:15 PM)

Great Hall - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Aaron Stabel - BCBA - Behavior Advantage
Behaviors take time to change, right? So, where do we start and how would we know if our behavior plan is having a positive effect? Behavior goal scaling can really help a team map out a starting point, a goal, and how to get there – a great tool to guide implementation. This approach helps us recognize those first signs of behavioral success, build some momentum, and stick with the plan through any initial bumps in the road toward progress. Let’s consider a few case studies and apply these methods to see how they work in real-world scenarios. Learn how goal scaling methods are used to map behavior support implementation and student progress. Apply goal scaling and behavior momentum strategies to case studies and troubleshoot real-world obstacles to implementation. Level: INTERMEDIATE Audience: All staff

Monday 2b: ND A+ Interim Assessments: A Checkpoint for Growth

Monday - Breakout 2 (1:00 PM - 2:15 PM)

Dakota Hall - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Alisha Natvig - Pearson
  • Dr. Laine Bradshaw - Pearson
  • Kara Welk - NDDPI
  • Katie Wilczak - Pearson
  • Maurya Buchanan - Pearson
  • Stan Schauer - NDDPI
The ND A+ Interims are assessments delivered 2-3 times throughout the school year as a check in to measure student growth towards North Dakota’s year-end learning expectations. It is designed with the quality and rigor of a summative assessment to provide an accurate and reliable measure of student progress. Data from the ND A+ Interims can be used to identify trends in student performance that can inform instruction and guide student support. The ND A+ Interim Assessments take 30-40 minutes to complete, allowing educators to gather necessary data without taking significant time away from instruction. The student experience with the ND A+ Interim Assessment is similar to that of the ND A+ Summative Assessment, as both assessments use the same delivery platform and item types. Like all assessments within the ND A+ system, the Interim Assessments are free to districts. This session will also include an overview of Interim enhancements for the 2024-2025 school year. 1. Participants will understand the purpose and use of interim assessments as a tool to monitor growth towards year-end learning expectations. 2. Participants will understand how to use the data within interim reports to guide decisions at the teacher, school, and district levels. Level: BEGINNER Audience: Administrators, Teachers

Monday 2c: Communication is Key: Developing and Using Your NDMTSS Playbook

Monday - Breakout 2 (1:00 PM - 2:15 PM)

Embassy A & B - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Shannon Harken - Harken Consulting LLC
Just like triumphant athletic teams, communication and clarity is critical for the team's success. Playbooks are used to capture proven practices and communicate expectations to all team members. NDMTSS teams also benefit from the playbook concept. Join this session to begin the process of creating your NDMTSS Playbook. Participant will: 1) Reflect on current NDMTSS infrastructure pieces 2) Work toward establishing clarity for all members of team 3) Begin developing an MTSS Playbook to capture the essential 'plays'/processes that your district and/or building will use within the NDMTSS Infrastructure. Level: INTERMEDIATE Audience: Administrators, Teachers, Instructional Coaches

Monday 2d: Boosters: Leverage Classwide Math Intervention for Greater Math Mastery for All Students

Monday - Breakout 2 (1:00 PM - 2:15 PM)

Executive & Board - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Dr. Amanda VanDerHeyden - SpringMath
Classwide intervention is Tier 1.5. When risk is high, classwide math intervention is necessary to lower overall risk (i.e., improve overall proficiency), close opportunity gaps, and provide much more accurate identification of students needing more intensive intervention. Classwide intervention produces a strong incremental cost effectiveness ratio meaning that it produces benefit to all students in a highly efficient way. This session will detail all we are learning about classwide math intervention and teach you specific ways to amplify your classwide intervention effects. Dr. VanDerHeyden will demonstrate classwide intervention boosters and provide links and resources to access after the session. 1. Understand the basic steps of classwide intervention 2. Understand the things we are learning about how to magnify classwide intervention effects 3. Learn specific booster strategies you can add to classwide intervention to get better results. Level: INTERMEDIATE Audience: Administrators, Instructional Coaches, Teachers, School Psychologists

Monday 2e: Writing for All - Middle School/High School Focus

Monday - Breakout 2 (1:00 PM - 2:15 PM)

Executive & Board - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Erica Carney - SEEC - Instructional Literacy Coach
Participants will engage in writing activities to support their classrooms across the content areas, while examining the research about instructing writing. -Describe why writing across all content areas is important to student learning -Examine disciplinary writing expectations in your discipline -Generate ideas for using low stakes writing in an upcoming lesson Level: BEGINNER Audience: Secondary Teachers

Monday 2f: NDSBL School Leadership Series: Session 2 - Now Meets Next

Monday - Breakout 2 (1:00 PM - 2:15 PM)

Director's - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Melissa Stanley - North Dakota Standards Based Learning
The NDSBL Leadership Series provides educators with possibilities for standards based teaching & learning practices. Session 2 dives into limitless standard assessment options and student evidence. - Discuss formative checks for understanding - Identify student evidence for showing knowing - Discuss scales aligned assessment - Explore tracking options Level: BEGINNER Audience: Administrators, Building Leaders, School Teams, Teachers

Monday 3a: Getting Unstuck: A Collaborative Problem-solving Q&A with Aaron Stabel, BCBA

Monday - Breakout 3 (2:30 PM - 4:00 PM)

Great Hall - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Aaron Stabel - BCBA - Behavior Advantage
We all get stuck sometimes and need a fresh perspective. Bring your questions and MTSS obstacles to this round-table collaborative discussion to troubleshoot and problem solve. With our collective expertise and community of practice, lead by a BCBA with 25+ years of experience, we can address any challenge across any Tier to get unstuck and continue growing positive student behaviors. - Facilitate a community of practice where we share common challenges and explore practical solutions to address student behavior. - Explore common barriers to MTSS implementation at any Tier across K-12 and problem solve with a BCBA and colleagues. Level: INTERMEDIATE Audience: All Staff

Monday 3b: Meet Navvy: A Fresh Approach to Navigating Student Learning of ND Content Standards

Monday - Breakout 3 (2:30 PM - 4:00 PM)

Dakota Hall - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Alisha Natvig - Pearson
  • Dr. Laine Bradshaw - Pearson
  • Kara Welk - NDDPI
  • Katie Wilczak - Pearson
  • Maurya Buchanan - Pearson
  • Stan Schauer - NDDPI
New for the 2024-25 school year, NDDPI is providing Navvy free to districts. Navvy's formative assessments uniquely harnesses the power of psychometrics to smartly inform teachers' day-to-day instructional moves. Educators can use standard-by-standard learning checks to reliably diagnose student competency at the moment of need in as few as 6 questions. With frequent and trustworthy learning evidence for individual standards, educators can go beyond measuring learning to focus on supporting learning. 1. Participants will understand how to use formative assessment results to inform instruction. 2. Participants will be able to access and explore the Navvy demo site using provided laptops or their own device. Level: BEGINNER Audience: Administrators, Teachers

Monday 3c: Embedding Critical Literacy Practices Across the Day in the Secondary Setting

Monday - Breakout 3 (2:30 PM - 4:00 PM)

Embassy A & B - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Shannon Harken - Harken Consulting LLC
With the revision of the New ELA State Standards (June 2023), the goal is to have all ND students choice ready and literate. To accomplish this goal, educators need to know how to strategically embed multiple opportunities a day for students to engage in high quality instruction and practice in reading, writing and communication in various content areas. Participants will be provided practical, reasonable, and doable literacy strategies that can be used in numerous classroom settings. The focal point becomes the 'instructional package' we create throughout the day. Participants will: 1) be exposed to the 2023 ND ELA State Standards 2) receive practical, reasonable, and doable literacy strategies that can be used in a variety of classroom settings 3) begin to plan how strategically embed literacy strategies into daily instruction Level: INTERMEDIATE Audience: Administrators, Teachers, Instructional Coaches

Monday 3d: Coaching Session for Current SpringMath Users

Monday - Breakout 3 (2:30 PM - 4:00 PM)

Executive & Board - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Dr. Amanda VanDerHeyden - SpringMath
Come learn how to harness SpringMath for more fuel and less friction! Learn how to use your data dashboards and support resources to get greater gains in SpringMath. 1. Learn how to access and use all the resources available in SpringMath to drive additional system improvements 2. Bring your questions and get live coaching. 3. Amanda and Ashley are happy to schedule live consult sessions with your teams throughout the day while not presenting. Level: INTERMEDIATE Audience: Teachers, Administrators, Instructional Coaches, School Psychologists

Monday 3e: New to SpringMath? Come Learn How to Get Started

Monday - Breakout 3 (2:30 PM - 4:00 PM)

Executive & Board - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Ashley Protovinsky - SpringMath
Come learn how SpringMath is a comprehensive soup to nuts MTSS platform that was designed to support full implementation of math MTSS including the most challenging part of implementation. Ashley will demonstrate how SpringMath is used, provide a bit of background on how and why it works, and answer all your questions. Free web-based resources will be provided including a free book that can be downloaded on the how to of math MTSS. 1. Learn about SpringMath as a math MTSS platform 2. See it in use live 3. Get your questions answered Level: BEGINNER Audience: Administrators, Instructional Coaches, Teachers, School Psychologists

Monday 3f: NDSBL School Leadership Series: Session 3 - All Students All Levels

Monday - Breakout 3 (2:30 PM - 4:00 PM)

Director's - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Melissa Stanley - North Dakota Standards Based Learning
The NDSBL Leadership Series provides educators with possibilities for standards based teaching & learning practices. Session 3 explores becoming responsive teachers for all students using live data. - Explore Data Informed Practice - Review Intervention opportunities - Review Enrichment opportunities Level: BEGINNER Audience: Administrators, Building Leaders, School Teams, Teachers

OPTIONAL Monday 4c: NDMTSS Implementation Barrier Busting with Shannon Harken

Monday - AFTER HOURS Breakout (4:15-5:00 Optional)

Embassy A & B - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Shannon Harken - Harken Consulting LLC
Attend this session to work collaboratively to bust those NDMTSS implementation barriers. Come join us for a problem-solving session, based on your issues. Additional NDMTSS staff will be on-site if you want to ask specific questions about standards, math, behavior, or training opportunities for 2024-2025. Participants will: 1) express concerns and/or problems being faced during NDMTSS Implementation 2) participate in true collaborative problem-solving and receive think abouts and suggestions for moving toward action planning. Level: ADVANCED Audience: Administrators, Leadership Teams, Teachers

**Not Attending**

Monday - AFTER HOURS Breakout (4:15-5:00 Optional)

Tuesday: Keynote - Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS): Evidence-Based to Accelerate the Growth of ALL Students

Tuesday - Keynote (9:00 AM - 10:30 AM)

Great Hall - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Dr. George Batsche - Professor & Director Emeritus - University of South Florida
MTSS is a framework within which all educational services are integrated. It is not RTI, just for special education and struggling students or 'something else to do.' When implemented well, it is a more efficient and effective way to improve student outcomes. This session will focus on how this goal can be accomplished. 1. Understand specifically how each component of MTSS contributes to student outcomes. 2. Reflect on how this framework aligns with your current practices with MTSS. 3. Answer your questions about MTSS implementation. 4. Understand how this framework incorporates what you are currently doing and provides 'food for thought' on how you can make this framework more robust. Level: INTERMEDIATE Audience: Administrators, Teachers, Student Support Services Personnel

Tuesday 1a: Evidence-based Practices For Effective Collaboration

Tuesday - Breakout 1 (10:45 AM - 12:00 PM)

Great Hall - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Dr. George Batsche - Professor & Director Emeritus - University of South Florida
'Collaboration' is a widely used, and overused, practice in educational settings. Recently, research has provided us with information on how to best use collaboration to increase the rate of student growth. This session will identify both the types of collaboration and focus of collaboration that is now evidence-based to accelerate student growth. 1. Identify the types of collaboration that increase student growth. 2. Identify the specific focus for collaboration that increase student growth. 3. Discuss the options and challenges to implementing collaboration (focus and type) that improves student growth. Level: INTERMEDIATE Audience: Administrators, Teachers, Student Support Services

Tuesday 1c: Science of Reading: How to Move from Theory to Practice

Tuesday - Breakout 1 (10:45 AM - 12:00 PM)

Embassy A & B - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Shannon Harken - Harken Consulting LLC
This session will focus on the application of the Science of Reading into a reading block, driven by data. Participants will: 1) review the Science of Reading 2) reflect on instructional materials/strategies that align with the SOR 3) explore reading block designs based on research Level: INTERMEDIATE Audience: Elementary Administrators, Elementary Teachers

Tuesday 1d: Enhancing MTSS Tier 1 Practices Through Standards-Based Learning

Tuesday - Breakout 1 (10:45 AM - 12:00 PM)

Director's - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Katie Oster - Northeast Education Services Cooperative (NESC)
The ND Standards-Based Learning team has brought educators from all over the state together to create high-quality resources that can ensure a Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum. Did you know that these NDSBL resources (i.e., prioritized standards, proficiency scales), can have a strong impact on the formation and enhancement of MTSS Tier 1 supports? Learn how to use NDSBL resources as a framework for guiding curriculum, instructional strategies, and assessment in a general classroom setting. 1. Identify the components of a Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum (GVC). 2. Identify the ND K-12 English Language Arts and Mathematics Priority Standards. 3. Review the powerful components and standards-aligned learning progressions of NDSBL proficiency scales. 4. Explore how to use NDSBL resources (i.e., prioritized standards, proficiency scales) to enhance high-quality MTSS Tier 1 practices across content areas. Level: BEGINNER Audience: Teachers, Administrators

Tuesday 1b: (REPEAT) Meet Navvy: A Fresh Approach to Navigating Student Learning of ND Content Standards

Tuesday - Breakout 1 (10:45 AM - 12:00 PM)

Dakota Hall - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Alisha Natvig - Pearson
  • Dr. Laine Bradshaw - Pearson
  • Kara Welk - NDDPI
  • Katie Wilczak - Pearson
  • Maurya Buchanan - Pearson
  • Stan Schauer - NDDPI
New for the 2024-25 school year, NDDPI is providing Navvy free to districts. Navvy's formative assessments uniquely harnesses the power of psychometrics to smartly inform teachers' day-to-day instructional moves. Educators can use standard-by-standard learning checks to reliably diagnose student competency at the moment of need in as few as 6 questions. With frequent and trustworthy learning evidence for individual standards, educators can go beyond measuring learning to focus on supporting learning. 1. Participants will understand how to use formative assessment results to inform instruction. 2. Participants will be able to access and explore the Navvy demo site using provided laptops or their own device. Level: BEGINNER Audience: Administrators, Teachers

Tuesday 1e: Belief Systems and MTSS

Tuesday - Breakout 1 (10:45 AM - 12:00 PM)

Executive & Board - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Dr. Dawn Miller - SWIFT Education Center
What will it take for practices in MTSS to be implemented in a way that is consistent with the intended purpose? It takes more than understanding why to implement a practice and more than how to implement a practice. Careful attention needs to be drawn to the sense making process with MTSS practices that intersects with our attitudes and beliefs about teaching and learning. This session will examine the importance of recognizing and building in reflection and discussion about the role of belief systems when implementing MTSS. Session participants will: 1. Engage in reflection on how belief systems show up in MTSS practices. 2. Explore three bodies of literature that can serve as entry points for discussions 3. Generate next steps to strengthen implementation Level: BEGINNER Audience: Administrators, MTSS Leadership Teams

Tuesday 1f: Spaced Learning Over Time (SLOT) and Practice Test Retrieval Strategies to Increase Learner Retention in the Math Classroom

Tuesday - Breakout 1 (10:45 AM - 12:00 PM)

Conference - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Dr. Ryan Lyson - SEEC - School Improvement & Math Specialist
  • Kaye Andersen - WERC - Math Instructional Coach & Education Consultant
Retrieval practice is a learning strategy where we focus on getting information out.  Through the act of retrieval, or calling information to mind, our memory for that information is strengthened. 1. Develop more effective strategies for getting information out of learners. 2. Develop the capacity to increase learner’s retention in mathematics through: Spaced Learning Over Time (SLOT) and Practice Test Retrieval (PTR). 3. Resources provided for planning the year on the strategies provided. Level: BEGINNER Audience: Administrators, Instructional Coaches, Teachers

Tuesday 1g: Glenburn's MTSS Story: From Islands to a Schoolwide System

Tuesday - Breakout 1 (10:45 AM - 12:00 PM)

Executive & Board - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Donanne Derr - Glenburn Public School
  • Fran Llewellyn - Glenburn Public School
  • Glenburn Public School - Glenburn School Team
  • Rebecca Young - Glenburn Public School
  • Tara Morse - Glenburn Public School
Every school has its own unique experience and NDMTSS story to share, as well as lessons learned, creative solutions, additional initiatives, and next steps! Join the Glenburn Public School MTSS Team as they discuss the 19-month story of how they went from collecting data to using data! Topics to be shared: - how and why Glenburn began to implement MTSS. - examples of adjustments made along the way. - the challenges/barriers which were encountered and overcome to increase student achievements Level: BEGINNER Audience: Administrators, Teachers

Tuesday 2c: Instructional Changes Schoolwide to Increase Student Achievement

Tuesday - Breakout 2 (1:00 PM - 2:15 PM)

Embassy A & B - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Katie Ness - Devils Lake - Minnie H Kindergarten Center
  • Kim Krogfoss - Devils Lake - Minnie H Kindergarten Center
  • Kristi Ziegler - Devils Lake - Minnie H Kindergarten Center
  • Laura Jager - Devils Lake - Minnie H Kindergarten Center
During this session we will share how we use FastBridge data to drive ongoing instructional changes during our 90 minute reading block. We will share how our data has improved through the years and what resources and activities have been put into place to meet the needs of our students. This involved creating a balanced curriculum that focused on developing not just academic skills but also social-emotional learning and critical thinking abilities. We adopted a differentiated instruction model, tailoring lessons to meet individual student needs. This included providing enrichment activities for advanced learners and additional support for those who needed it, ensuring that each child has adequate adult guidance. We incorporated more tactile activities and experiential learning opportunities into our daily schedule. Through these instructional changes, we witnessed significant improvements in student achievement, with students demonstrating higher levels of engagement, mastery of key concepts, and overall academic growth. 1. Dig down into data to determine needs of students. 2. Create a culture of focused attention on student needs school wide 3. Teaching SEL and critical thinking skills to break habits 4. Increase overall student acheivement Level: INTERMEDIATE Audience: Administrators, Instructional Coaches, Teachers, Title I Teachers

Tuesday 2d: Strategically Supporting All Learners Through General Instructional Supports

Tuesday - Breakout 2 (1:00 PM - 2:15 PM)

Director's - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Erin Lacina - Northeast Education Services Cooperative (NESC)
  • Katie Oster - Northeast Education Services Cooperative (NESC)
Learn to plan for instruction in a way that can meet the diverse needs of learners. Through alignment of general instructional supports to learning targets, you can advance students' progress through essential knowledge and skill progressions. Come as an individual to grow your classroom pedagogy or as a team to strengthen your school-wide Tier 1 practices! *Note: In this session, we'll work with learning targets aligned to the ND State Content Standards represented within ND Standards-Based Learning Proficiency Scales During this session, participants will: *Learn the functions of general instructional supports *Identify multiple general instructional supports for use within the classroom *Practice alignment of general instructional supports to English Language Arts and Math learning targets for the purpose of instructional planning and student support Level: INTERMEDIATE Audience: Teachers, Administrators

Tuesday 2b: ND A+ Assessment System Q&A

Tuesday - Breakout 2 (1:00 PM - 2:15 PM)

Dakota Hall - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Alisha Natvig - Pearson
  • Dr. Laine Bradshaw - Pearson
  • Kara Welk - NDDPI
  • Katie Wilczak - Pearson
  • Maurya Buchanan - Pearson
  • Stan Schauer - NDDPI
NDDPI and Pearson representatives will be available to answer questions and dive deeper into any of the assessments or components within the ND A+ assessment system. 1. Participants will be able to ask any relevant questions about the ND A+ assessment system. Level: BEGINNER Audience: Administrators, Teachers

Tuesday 2e: MTSS: Differentiating Instruction Across Tiers

Tuesday - Breakout 2 (1:00 PM - 2:15 PM)

Executive & Board - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Dr. Dawn Miller - SWIFT Education Center
One of the hallmarks of MTSS is the application of data routines that make teaching and learning a dynamic process across all tiers of instruction. This session will share a differentiation framework that has been favored by educators because it lends itself to think and talk about instructional moves that can be made to meet the needs of varied learners and can be used across all tiers of instruction. This session will focus attention on differentiation and the definition of specially designed instruction to create a powerful mindset on instructional design applied to reflection and lesson planning. Session Outcomes: 1. Examine definitions of differentiation and specially designed instruction 2. Analyze scenarios and generate instructional practices that allow students with different needs the opportunity to be meaningfully engaged in learning 3. Apply the application of this instructional design approach across a tiered system Level: BEGINNER Audience: Teachers, Administrators, MTSS Implementation Teams

Tuesday 2f: Interleaving Practice Format and Practice Test Retrieval Strategies to Increase Learner Retention in the Math Classroom

Tuesday - Breakout 2 (1:00 PM - 2:15 PM)

Conference - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Dr. Ryan Lyson - SEEC - School Improvement & Math Specialist
  • Kaye Andersen - WERC - Math Instructional Coach & Education Consultant
Retrieval practice is a learning strategy where we focus on getting information out. Through the act of retrieval, or calling information to mind, our memory for that information is strengthened. 1. Develop more effective strategies for getting information out of learners. 2. Develop the capacity to increase learner’s retention in mathematics through: Interleaving Practice Format (IPF) and Practice Test Retrieval (PTR). 3. Resources provided for planning the year on the strategies provided. Level: BEGINNER Audience: Administrators, Instructional Coaches, Teachers

Tuesday 2a: Integrating Instruction (Academic, Behavior, Social-Emotional) Across the Tiers: This Involves EVERYBODY

Tuesday - Breakout 2 (1:00 PM - 2:15 PM)

Great Hall - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Dr. George Batsche - Professor & Director Emeritus - University of South Florida
This session will focus on strategies to ensure that instruction across the tiers is integrated and aligned. Unless the instruction is integrated an aligned, students will not be able to transfer learning from one tier to another. 1. Understand why integration and transfer of training are so important in a MTSS framework. 2. Learn instructional planning and communication strategies to ensure integration. 3. Identify how your current practices align with today's discussion. Level: INTERMEDIATE Audience: Administrators, Teachers

Tuesday 3g: Check In Check Out: A Tier 2 Strategy

Tuesday - Breakout 3 (2:30 PM - 4:00 PM)

Executive & Board - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Brandie Ulland - SEEC - Professional Learning Specialist
  • Dawn Miller - Rural Cass & South Valley Special Education Units
Participants will learn how to determine the readiness of their system for Tier 2 supports. Components of a systemic Check In Check Out intervention, as one option for Tier 2 interventions, will be addressed. Participants will learn how to implement Check In Check Out, how to select students who will benefit, and how to monitor and apply decision making rules when students are or are not successful in the intervention. Fidelity and training will also be discussed. Participants will: *Obtain a better understanding of the key readiness factors of a strong Tier 1 system *Understand the components of a Tier 2 systemic intervention: Check In Check Out *Learn how to determine implementation fidelity and train staff in the critical components of CICO Level: INTERMEDIATE Audience: Administrators, Teachers

Tuesday 3c: Data Meeting Protocols: Screening, Diagnostic, and Progress Monitoring Processes

Tuesday - Breakout 3 (2:30 PM - 4:00 PM)

Embassy A & B - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Shannon Harken - Harken Consulting LLC
Individuals will receive guidance on the critical questions and potential decision-making protocols one can use to analyze efficiently and effectively: screening, diagnostic and progress monitoring data. Participants will: 1) review the purpose of screening, diagnostic and progress monitoring data. 2) receive examples of data protocols to guide problem-solving and action planning using screening, diagnostic and progress monitoring data. Level: ADVANCED Audience: Administrators, Leadership Teams, Teachers

Tuesday 3a: Maximizing the Impact of Leadership (District and School) on Student Growth: A Q&A Session

Tuesday - Breakout 3 (2:30 PM - 4:00 PM)

Great Hall - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Dr. George Batsche - Professor & Director Emeritus - University of South Florida
Recent research has demonstrated clearly that the type of leadership in school settings is strongly related to student growth. In fact, leadership accounts for up to 29% of what predicts student growth. This session will provide an opportunity for leaders to discuss how best to maximize that 29%, including research-based practices and challenges. 1. Facilitate questions, answers and discussion focused on the relationship between leadership style and practices and student outcomes. Level: ADVANCED Audience: Administrators, Teacher Leaders

Tuesday 3b: Get the Most out of Testing

Tuesday - Breakout 3 (2:30 PM - 4:00 PM)

Dakota Hall - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Tina Bryn - Barnes County North - Instructional Coach/MTSS Coordinator
Share what has worked and what hasn't worked for our school district when planning for state testing and other testing. - universal testing accommodations - effective testing schedule - Pep Talks - Test fidelity Level: BEGINNER Audience: Teachers, Administrators

Tuesday 3d: NDSBL Leadership Series: Session 4 - The SBL Journey

Tuesday - Breakout 3 (2:30 PM - 4:00 PM)

Director's - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Melissa Stanley - North Dakota Standards Based Learning
The NDSBL Leadership Series provides educators with possibilities for standards based teaching & learning practices. Session 4 connects SBL processes + PLC work + MTSS for your school journey! Join us! - Scaffold Standards Based Teaching & Learning Processes - Connect Data Informed Practice, Family Engagement, & Continuous Improvement - Determine your School Journey Level: BEGINNER Audience: Administrators, Building Leaders, School Teams, Teachers

Tuesday 3e: High Leverage Practices for MTSS: Setting Students up for Success by Ensuring Adults are Supported and Engaged in the Implementation Process

Tuesday - Breakout 3 (2:30 PM - 4:00 PM)

Executive & Board - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Dr. Dawn Miller - SWIFT Education Center
When districts and schools define their tiered system, making decisions about the curricular and instructional practices that have a strong chance of improved outcomes are key. Once decisions are made, attending to implementation science to ensure the practices are able to be implemented as planned is imperative. Lastly, teams using data routines to evaluate both student outcomes and implementation experience allow practices to be contextualized for success. This session will focus on making initial decisions about high leverage practices, supporting implementation, and evaluating and adjusting based on data. Session Outcomes: 1. Explore evidence-based curricular and instructional practices across a tiered system 2. Understand the importance of implementation science for MTSS 3. Attend to how data routines incorporate outcome and implementation data to guide decisions Level: BEGINNER Audience: Administrators, MTSS Implementation Teams, Teachers

Tuesday 3f: Back-Mapping Math Priority Standards to Build Long-term Retention: K-10

Tuesday - Breakout 3 (2:30 PM - 4:00 PM)

Conference - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Kaye Andersen - WERC - Math Instructional Coach & Education Consultant
How do we make it stick? How do we address all the math skills students are missing for them to have success at grade level standards? In this session you will learn how to use a backward design process to improve student achievement. The Lexile & Quantile Hub will be utilized to support this process. Please create an account prior to attending. Use your email address to must be used create the account. - To increase ability to choose among lessons and curriculum materials based on data and research based resources. - To increase insight into the process backmapping math skills to support students' ability to master grade level standards. Level: BEGINNER Audience: Teachers

Wednesday: Keynote - MTSS Integrated Supports: Whole Child – Whole System

Wednesday - Keynote (9:00 AM - 10:30 AM)

Great Hall - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Dr. Dawn Miller - SWIFT Education Center
The guiding principles of MTSS have been applied to academic content areas, behavior, social and emotional learning, attendance, mental health — and the list goes on. Our keynote will ground our day in being able to think whole child • whole system and the mindset that allows us to accept where we are and keep moving to create the system needed for adults and youth alike. Participants Will: - Center reflections on MTSS with guiding principles underlying the framework - Reflect on current efforts with MTSS from the standpoint of implementation and adult and youth experiences in the system - Identify opportunities to strengthen integrated efforts Level: BEGINNER Audience: Administrators, MTSS Leadership Teams, Teachers

Wednesday 1a: (REPEAT) High Leverage Practices for MTSS: Setting Students up for Success by Ensuring Adults are Supported and Engaged in the Implementation Process

Wednesday - Breakout 1 (10:45 AM - 12:00 PM)

Great Hall - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Dr. Dawn Miller - SWIFT Education Center
When districts and schools define their tiered system, making decisions about the curricular and instructional practices that have a strong chance of improved outcomes are key. Once decisions are made, attending to implementation science to ensure the practices are able to be implemented as planned is imperative. Lastly, teams using data routines to evaluate both student outcomes and implementation experience allow practices to be contextualized for success. This session will focus on making initial decisions about high leverage practices, supporting implementation, and evaluating and adjusting based on data. Session Outcomes: 1. Explore evidence-based curricular and instructional practices across a tiered system 2. Understand the importance of implementation science for MTSS 3. Attend to how data routines incorporate outcome and implementation data to guide decisions Level: BEGINNER Audience: Administrators, MTSS Implementation Teams, Teachers

Wednesday 1b: Barnes County North - Charting Progress: Our MTSS Journey Towards Student Success

Wednesday - Breakout 1 (10:45 AM - 12:00 PM)

Dakota Hall - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Dr. Danielle Bosse - Barnes County North
  • Laine Klasinski - Barnes County North
  • Tresa Cruff - Barnes County North
Join us for an insightful presentation in discovering the transformative steps we've taken in implementing Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) to enhance student outcomes. From initial planning to ongoing revisits, we'll navigate through our journey, sharing key strategies, successes, and challenges faced along the way. Engage in a dynamic Q&A panel session where you can glean practical insights and strategies for your own MTSS implementation. Join us as we showcase our commitment to student success and the power of proactive support systems. 1. Gain a comprehensive understanding of the key steps involved in implementing a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) for enhancing student outcomes. 2. Identify successful strategies employed during the MTSS implementation process, including planning, execution, and ongoing evaluation. 3. Analyze challenges faced during the MTSS journey and explore effective solutions to overcome them, fostering a proactive approach to student support. 4. Acquire practical insights and strategies through engaging in a dynamic Q&A panel session, tailored to support your own MTSS implementation efforts and promote student success. Level: INTERMEDIATE Audience: Administrators, Teachers

Wednesday 1c: MTSS implementation at Oak Grove Elementary School

Wednesday - Breakout 1 (10:45 AM - 12:00 PM)

Executive & Board - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Josh Kading - Oak Grove Lutheran Elementary School
  • Nicole Swanson - Oak Grove Lutheran Elementary School
  • Sara Carlson - Oak Grove Lutheran Elementary School
Learn about the implementation of both MTSS-A and MTSS-B in a small school with limited resources. We will share our goals, our outcomes, how we achieved them, the pitfalls we had along the way, and what we would do differently. This would be a great session for schools considering implementing the MTSS structure, or for those looking to get new ideas to bring back to their existing program. - Understand the MTSS-A and MTSS-B structure - Observe how one school implemented MTSS-A and MTSS-B over two school years - Reflect on if any of the strategies or systems shared could benefit your own school. Level: BEGINNER Audience: Elementary Administrators & Teachers

Wednesday 1d: St. John Public School "Our journey to becoming a Distinguished School"

Wednesday - Breakout 1 (10:45 AM - 12:00 PM)

Executive & Board - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Catherine Anderson - St. John Public School
  • Charles "Chip" Andersen - St. John Public School
  • Dr. Sherry Tandeski - St. John Public School
The St. John elementary, middle and high school principals will share several strategies implemented that helped the Elementary/Middle school to move out of targeted status and the High School to attain a 100% graduation rate. 1.) Session presenters aim to increase the knowledge and understanding of the strategies used to move out of targeted status and attain 100% graduation rate in the state of ND. 2.) To effectively convey information to the audience in the form of sharing ideas, explaining concepts, teaching a skill or presenting data. 3.) Presenters seek to inspire the audience in taking action for change. Through motivating participants to adopt new practices, or change their perspectives. Level: BEGINNER Audience: Administrators, Teachers

Wednesday 1e: ND Standards-Based Learning - Importance of Vocabulary Instruction

Wednesday - Breakout 1 (10:45 AM - 12:00 PM)

Embassy A & B - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Danette Brown - SEEC - Professional Learning Specialist
Join the ND Standards-based learning team as they share out different ways in which teachers and students can engage with the ND Proficiency Scales (ELA, Math, Social Studies, Science, Health, Music, and Essential Skills) as they focus on explicit vocabulary instruction. Participants will learn about and implement research-based literacy strategies to create a classroom environment focused on the essential vocabulary and skills and processes students need to become proficient with the standards in their courses. Learn strategies that will immediately impact your tier I instruction and increase students achievement and engagement. 1. Analyze research-based literacy strategies 2. Apply vocabulary instructional strategies aligned to proficiency scales in K-12 classrooms Level: BEGINNER Audience: Teachers

Wednesday 1f: Evidence-Based Practices to Build Fluency in Mathematics Classrooms: K-8

Wednesday - Breakout 1 (10:45 AM - 12:00 PM)

Director's - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Kaye Andersen - WERC - Math Instructional Coach & Education Consultant
This session will address how to systematically set up and implement timed activities as one component of a comprehensive fluency plan to build fluency and ensure student success within activities. Recommendations from the IES Practice Guide Assisting Students Struggling with Mathematics March 2021 will be the focus of this class wide process. - To improve understanding of how to support students in becoming accurate, efficient, and flexible problem solvers. - To increase ability to build a fluency plan that regularly includes timed activities as one way to build students' fluency in mathematics. Level: BEGINNER Audience: Elementary Teachers

Wednesday 1g: Eight Mile Elementary - One School's MTSS Pathway to Proficiency

Wednesday - Breakout 1 (10:45 AM - 12:00 PM)

Conference - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Gary Fisher - Eight Mile Elementary
  • Matt Schriver - Eight Mile Elementary
  • Stacey Clarys - Eight Mile Elementary
When identified as a school in need of Targeted Support and Improvement, Eight Mile Elementary School relied upon our work with NDMTSS to intensify our improvement efforts. During this session you will hear from our district superintendent, elementary principal, and a teacher leader as they share their experiences with this process. Participants will gain an introductory understanding or a review of the components of MTSS. Our team will share celebrations and challenges at this stage in our MTSS journey. Level: INTERMEDIATE Audience: Elementary Administrators, Elementary Teachers

Wednesday 2a: MTSS Manifesto: Putting it All Together to Strengthen Your Efforts

Wednesday - Breakout 2 (12:30 PM - 2:30 PM)

Great Hall - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Dr. Dawn Miller - SWIFT Education Center
MTSS is an opportunity to rethink and redesign in order to fulfill the promise of improved outcomes for each and every student in our care. When approached this way, leading MTSS implementation is a complex task. Understanding the intentions and actions to lead MTSS are critical. This session will highlight MTSS mindsets and practices grounded in research to guide the design, implementation and evaluation of MTSS practices. Participants will engage in self-reflection to identify the strengths of their current system and identify next steps in refining MTSS. No matter how long you have been implementing MTSS, a well-designed checklist of key MTSS practices can guide implementation to improve outcomes. Learning Objectives: 1. Review big ideas of MTSS and key evidence based MTSS practices 2. Explore how to navigate implementation problems/barriers using the MTSS checklist of key principles 3. Engage in self-reflection to build upon strengths of your current MTSS system 4. Identify possible tools and resources to guide action planning
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