NDMTSS - Building Your System (2023-2024) [Multi-Day Series] [Flyer]

Monday, September 11, 2023 (9:00 AM - 10:30 AM) (CDT)


REGISTRATION: This professional learning series requires completion of an MOU signed by the building administrator. When clicking "Register" you'll be directed to the MOU for completion. The MOU then needs to be sent to Cheryl Hoggarth, SEEC, Cheryl.Hoggarth@k12.nd.us to officially complete your team's registration.


This training is the initial step in planning for success for school-based MTSS leadership teams. During the planning phase, teams will focus on developing a shared understanding of the NDMTSS essential components and the infrastructure and support mechanisms necessary to support MTSS implementation. Particular focus is placed on the essential knowledge, resources, and organizational structures necessary to operationalize all components of NDMTSS in a unified system. Professional learning focuses on building staff buy-in, staff capacity, and understanding how to fully implement the five essential MTSS components.


  • Understand the Essential Components of NDMTSS
  • Establish leadership roles & responsibilities
  • Understand the Why of MTSS - Consensus Building
  • Understand the four purposes of assessments
  • Define effective teaching strategies at all tiers


  • Jennifer Glasheen, SEEC Director of Teaching and Learning Services
  • Cheryl Hoggarth, SEEC NDMTSS Coordinator
  • Brandie Ulland, SEEC Professional Learning Specialist
  • Kayla Durkin, CREA NDMTSS Coordinator

DELIVERY: This professional learning series is delivered over a virtual one-hour kickoff and 2 full-day face-to-face sessions back-to-back. 

AUDIENCE: School leadership teams of 6-10 individuals; including Administrators (REQUIRED to have at least one); special educators; instructional coaches; MTSS coordinators; lead teachers; counselors. 

CREDIT: 1 graduate continuing education credit available for application through VCSU after participating in all required sessions/activities and submitting application fee.


COST: $1,800/Team of 6 (+$80/person over 6)

Your school will be invoiced for the amount listed in the MOU that your team submitted.

North Dakota Famers Union
1415 12th Ave. SE
Jamestown, ND 58405 United States
Event Contact
Cheryl Hoggarth
(701) 997-5573
Send Email
Monday, September 11, 2023 (9:00 AM - 10:30 AM) (CDT)

This professional learning series is delivered over a virtual one-hour kickoff and 2 full-day face-to-face sessions back-to-back. 

Virtual Kickoff (for team leads)September 1st, 2023
September 11th, 2023
9:00 AM - 10:30 AMOnline
Session 1September 19th, 20238:30 AM - 3:30 PMJamestown
Session 2September 20th, 20238:30 AM - 3:30 PMJamestown
Special Education
Teacher - Elementary
Teacher - Secondary
Curriculum Director
Principal - Elementary
Principal - Secondary
Principal - ALL
Instructional Coach
Special Education
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