Programs & Services
Professional Development
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Past Projects
** Canceled **
Pre-Requisite: This training of trainers is offered as an optional add-on to the NDSoR: Reaching All Learners online course. Participants must have completed both LETRS training and the Reaching All Learners online course in order to participate in this offering. You may sign up for the online course here.
DESCRIPTION: Districts interested in facilitating their own Reaching All Learners Community of Practice can have a facilitator trained.
The Reaching All Learners course is designed for educators who are committed to learning about the connection between reading research, theoretical models of reading, and best practices for language and literacy instruction in the classroom.
Facilitators support participants by translating the course content knowledge into evidence-based instructional practices. Facilitators will be provided a pacing template to customize as they offer their own community-of-practice meetings. Facilitators will also have access to additional implementation tools to support teachers in implementation including fidelity checklists and coaching materials. Facilitators are strongly encouraged to participate in the public community of practice prior to becoming a facilitator.
AUDIENCE: Instructional Coaches, Teacher Leaders, Professional Development staff, Literacy Educators
DELIVERY: This opportunity will be delivered as a 1 full-day face-to-face session with host locations in Fargo and a west central satellite location.
COST: FREE for North Dakota educators
CREDIT: This opportunity is offered for up to 7 hours of Cafeteria Credit.
FREE to North Dakota educators thanks to supported funding from the N.D. Department of Public Instruction.
Participants must also complete the NDSoR: Reaching All Learners asynchronous, online course and have completed LETRS training prior to participation.