Prioritized Instructional Planning: Crosswalking Benchmark Assessment Data with ND Priority Standards + Follow-up Work Session

Tuesday, April 6, 2021 (1:00 PM - 3:00 PM) (CDT)


Facilitator: LaCosta Potter

This webinar series is provided via collaboration between NESC, SEEC, CREA and supported by ND Healthy Return to Learning Team & ND Dept. of Public Instruction.

April 6 [1-3PM CST]
Crosswalking Benchmark Assessment Data with the ND Priority Standards

Use local formal benchmark assessment data to determine what standards students already know and what standards they still need to learn before progressing to the next grade. This session is designed to give educator teams the tools and a process to take a deep dive into common benchmark assessment data. These findings will guide instructional planning, intervention, and enrichment for quarter 4, summer intersession, and 2021-2022 “catch up and keep up” for standards not yet learned.

  • Understand the strategies and their evidence for determining what priority standards still need to be taught and/or reinforced.
  • Understand the process for analyzing your benchmark data and how to crosswalk it with the ND Priority Standards to support instructional planning.
  • Navigate Star, NWEA, and FastBridge reports to support all learners.

April 12 [1-2:30PM CST]
Work Session for Crosswalking Benchmark Assessment Data with the ND Priority Standards

During this working session, participants will have the opportunity to be supported as they pull and analyze local data. Registrants and teams are encouraged to have benchmark assessment logins ready and digital reports available to load into Excel or Google Sheets. Further instructions will be provided prior to the session.

  • Analyze your data and identify what priority standards still need to be taught and/or reinforced.
  • Brainstorm the timeline for intervention and enrichment for quarter 4, summer intersession, and 2021-2022 “catch up and keep up” for standards not yet learned.

Recordings of the live sessions will be emailed to the accounts registered.



Event Contact
Erin Lacina
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Tuesday, April 6, 2021 (1:00 PM - 3:00 PM) (CDT)

April 6 | 1:00 - 3:00pm CST
April 12 | 1:00 - 2:30pm CST

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