PRE-REQUISTE: Individuals must have participated in SEEC - NDSoR: Evaluating Curricular Resources for ELA Adoption - Parts 1&2 in order to register.
This event, formerly known as the ELA Curriculum Fair, has been broken into two parts. This professional learning opportunity represents PART 2 of this breakdown. If you have not yet participated in PART 1&2, click here to register for that opportunity.
We have had many districts ask us what Tier 1 ELA curriculum materials and supplemental/intervention materials they should invest in that align to the Science of Reading, so we are providing an opportunity to showcase some of those materials.
We will discuss implementation considerations and then you will have the opportunity to see the following materials:
- Bookworms by Open Up Resources
- Core Knowledge Language Arts by Amplify
- EL Education by Open Up Resources
- Fundations by Wilson
- Open Court by McGraw Hill
- MyView by Savvas
- Read Side by Side
- SuperKids by Zaner-Bloser
- Wit & Wisdom and Geodes by Great Minds
- Into Literature by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Some supplemental materials will also be available for browsing
- 95% Group
- Being a Reader
- Being a Writer
- Bridge the Gap
- Heggerty
- Making Meaning
- My Perspectives
- Readsters
- Really Great Reading
- Spring Board
- StudySync
- Third Quest
- Tools 4 Reading
- And more!
We will have materials up to 6th grade in most cases and up to 8th grade in some cases. You will also be provided with the contact information for representatives for the respective materials.
NOTE: Please consider bringing a small team of 3-4 people to review materials.
DELIVERY: This event is delivered over a 3-hour FACE-TO-FACE session.
AUDIENCE: Curriculum Directors, Instructional Coaches, Principals, Elementary and Secondary ELA Teachers
- Erica Carney, SEEC Literacy Coach
- Erica Kindem, SEEC N.D. Reading Corps K-3 Master Coach
CREDIT: This event is offered for 3 hours of Cafeteria Credit.